In the last couple of years, many things have changed at Finshark. We have grown quite a lot, and so has our customer base. We have launched solid products that are helping more and more companies to achieve bigger and greater successes – every single day.

It was about time we showed it to the world.

You have got to see this.

Play the video to take a look at what has changed.

Different look, same mission.

We might have shed our old skin, but our mission is still intact. We still consider ourselves only as good as the successes we provide. We always say that the customer of our customer is our customer* as we really believe that if they thrive, so do we. And that is why we exist: to turn open banking into business successes.

*See what we did there? We took the famous expression “the enemy of our enemy is our friend” and we replaced pretty much every word with “customer” hoping for the best. And guess what? It worked!

Who is the bad guy?

In every story there is a villain. To us, it is legacy in finance. Fighting legacy means helping companies to get rid of what stands in the way of their definition of success. Anything from old, cumbersome processes to the outdated inequalities in the financial system dictating who can innovate and who should just stand aside and look.

Yes, that last bit is ripped off from Redemption Song, but it perfectly sums up the true power of embedded finance.

Our vision.

We want to dominate the open banking/finance sector. Either that, or we go home. But how are we going to achieve that?

By supporting the rise of a new financial world, free from any legacy burden. A place where each payment and financial process is instant and painless. A system in which anybody can own a piece of finance to improve the life of their customers and reach the success they seek.

Too much? Nah.